Welcome to West Kelowna Acupuncture where Traditional Medicine and Contemporary Medical Acupuncture treatments come together. Our goal is to provide every patient with an individualized treatment plan helping you attain optimal health and well-being. Our treatment plans are personalized, unique and fully integrated using additional modalities such as cupping, electro-acupuncture and diet therapy to address all of your health concerns.
AcupunctureAcupuncture is the insertion of tiny, sterile needles to send subtle, yet effective messages to the body to shift itself into a more balanced state. As a Registered Acupuncturist, I integrate both Traditional Medicine and Western Medical Acupuncture Therapies in my West Kelowna acupuncture practice.
NutritionAs a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, I will provide you with simple, effective, yet rarely practiced strategies for eating healthy, improving digestion and feeling as good as possible both on a physical and mental level. Your diet and lifestyle are intrinsically important in your journey of healing.
MovementPersonal training with me is different! I take your goals into consideration in order to design and implement the proper plan to help you achieve your goals as quickly and safely as possible. Integrating movement patterns into our treatment plans can prevent further injury and improve your quality of life.