Is Acupuncture safe?
One of the most striking aspects of acupuncture is the almost complete absence of adverse effects and complications from its use. Most patients find that the treatments are relaxing and cause minimal discomfort. Acupuncture is a safe technique, provided that practitioners are properly trained and follow appropriate techniques. Registered Acupuncturists use single-use, sterile disposable needles and have been trained regarding precautions and contraindications to acupuncture. The York Acupuncture Safety Study, a prospective study of 34407 acupuncture treatments found no serious adverse effects and only 43 cases of minor adverse effects, the most common of which were nausea and fainting.
It is important to inform the practitioner of your medical history, medications and if you are pregnant or could possibly be pregnant, as acupuncture treatment may have to be modified or may not be appropriate.
It is important to inform the practitioner of your medical history, medications and if you are pregnant or could possibly be pregnant, as acupuncture treatment may have to be modified or may not be appropriate.
How does acupuncture work?
Acupuncture is the stimulation by the insertion of needles into specific points on the body which have the ability to alter various biochemical and physiological conditions. Several theories have been presented as to exactly how acupuncture works. One theory suggests that pain impulses are blocked from reaching the spinal cord or brain at various "gates" to these areas. Since a majority of acupuncture points are either connected to (or are located near) neural structures, this suggests that acupuncture stimulates the nervous system.
Another theory suggests that acupuncture stimulates the body to produce narcotic-like substances called endorphins, which reduce pain. Other studies have found that other pain-relieving substances called opiods may be released into the body during acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture has also been shown to affect the functioning of the hormonal system, promoting a decrease in inflammation, increased circulation and relief from pain.
Another theory suggests that acupuncture stimulates the body to produce narcotic-like substances called endorphins, which reduce pain. Other studies have found that other pain-relieving substances called opiods may be released into the body during acupuncture treatment.
Acupuncture has also been shown to affect the functioning of the hormonal system, promoting a decrease in inflammation, increased circulation and relief from pain.
How many sessions of acupuncture will I need?
Many people start to see a significant difference within one to two treatments but some take longer to respond depending on the condition being treated. If no difference is felt by the end of the fifth or sixth treatment, the diagnosis of the condition should be reconsidered and further medical investigations may be needed.
Acute injuries are treated as soon as possible and often daily at first. Chronic conditions may need repeat treatments to maintain the momentum after an initial period of frequent treatments. Post treatment exercise and discipline in diet is extremely important for continued improvement and recovery.
Generally treatments every second day (Mon, Wed and Fri) would be considered frequent treatment. Maintenance treatments could range from weekly to monthly or when symptoms begin to recur.
Acute injuries are treated as soon as possible and often daily at first. Chronic conditions may need repeat treatments to maintain the momentum after an initial period of frequent treatments. Post treatment exercise and discipline in diet is extremely important for continued improvement and recovery.
Generally treatments every second day (Mon, Wed and Fri) would be considered frequent treatment. Maintenance treatments could range from weekly to monthly or when symptoms begin to recur.
Is acupuncture painful? What does it feel like?
Acupuncture is usually a very comfortable treatment. Needles are very fine, metallic and as thin as a hair, making them quite painless upon insertion. Everyone experiences acupuncture differently, but most feel no pain or very minimal pain as the needles are inserted. You may experience a mild aching sensation or warmth around the needle site.
What can I expect from my first visit?
Besides questions specifically about the condition that brought you into the clinic, the practitioner may take a much broader health history. This may include questions in regard to your digestion, sleep, and stress levels as well as physical testing to determine which mode of treatment will best benefit your illness or injury.
What activities should I avoid following treatment?
Strenuous physical activities (including exercise) should be avoided for at least two hours after treatment.
A good feeling after acupuncture should not be mistaken for full recovery. Be sure that you have regained your strength and stamina before engaging in any activities that you were unable to perform before your acupuncture treatments.
A good feeling after acupuncture should not be mistaken for full recovery. Be sure that you have regained your strength and stamina before engaging in any activities that you were unable to perform before your acupuncture treatments.
Is there anything I should do prior to my treatment?
Try to arrive rested and relaxed for your treatment. Whenever possible it is best to avoid arriving hungry and avoid consuming caffeine or nicotine for 90 minutes before and after your treatments. All prescribed medication should be taken as per your normal schedule.
What is IMS and do you provide this therapy?
IMS or intramuscular stimulation also referred to as trigger point needling is an effective treatment for acute and chronic pain of neuropathic pain origin. It is based on scientific neurophysiological principles. IMS involves the insertion of fine acupuncture needles into the body where muscles have shortened or contracted. The goal of IMS is to relax and release shortened muscles which are irritating nerves and relieve pain. IMS and other sports needling techniques are often integrated into our treatment plans at West Kelowna Acupuncture.
What are the most common conditions that acupuncture can treat?
Will my insurance plan cover acupuncture?
We do offer direct billing to most insurance providers. Please contact your insurance company directly to find out if your plan covers acupuncture, and any limits to the number of treatments covered or limits to amount covered per visit.
Acupuncture may also be covered if you sustained a workplace injury or were injured in a motor vehicle accident. As of April 2019 ICBC will be covering MVA patients for up to 12 initial treatments.
Acupuncture may also be covered if you sustained a workplace injury or were injured in a motor vehicle accident. As of April 2019 ICBC will be covering MVA patients for up to 12 initial treatments.